Monday, July 27, 2009

facebook excellence

So the other day me and my friends were goofing off after institute in the annex, playing basketball and stuff. I'm pretty horrible at it, so we were just messing around and my friend Kevin climbed on top of the hoop thing and told me to throw the ball "granny style" and he would get it in the basket for me. My other friend Megan apparently had a camera, and right as i bent over dramatically to chuck the ball, she snapped a picture. Right after that, she promptly told me that she had got a sweet shot of my butt. I thought it was hilarious, so she put it up on facebook. After that, some entertaining comments appeared. Here we go:

Erin Paulukaitis
Sun at 12:45am
Braden Hansen
Braden Hansen
niceeee lol
Sun at 6:06pm
Megan P.
Sun at 6:35pm
Erin Paulukaitis
Erin Paulukaitis
i'm just going to take it as a compliment.
Sun at 6:36pm · Delete
Wesley Kun
Wesley Kun
how sad take anything as a compliment!!!! sad sad sad and even sadder :(
11 hours ago
Kevin Yancey
Kevin Yancey
you know erin i didn't even notice me in this picture at first
about a minute ago
Megan P.
Megan P.
gee i wonder why...
about a minute ago
Erin Paulukaitis
Erin PaulukaitisHAHAHA
again, i"m going to take that as a compliment

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